September 18, 2017

MINGEI - clay dolls Inuyama Aichi


Inuyama tsuchi ningyo 犬山土人形 clay dolls from Inuyama
Inuyama 犬山
. Shiokumi 汐汲 人形 Shiokumi Dance Doll "Salt-scooping girl" .

歌舞伎物 Kabukimono
- see also
子供三番叟 children dancing sanbaso / 俵持ち相撲 Sumo wrestler with a rice barrel
A lot of kabukimono have been done in the Mikawa area of Aichi.
The main colors of the dolls are red and blue/green. They are made with the good white clay of the region and are almost as light as papermachee dolls
- source :


. Abe no Sadatoo 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato . (1019 – 1062)
Samurai from Tohoku


okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 Woman with a special hood
A special scarf and hood used in winter to keep warm.

. Hase tsuchi ningyoo 初瀬土人形 clay dolls from Hase . - Nara


taiko -uchi karako 太鼓打ち唐子 "Chinese Boy" beating the drum
- reference and more photos : -
- 梶原源太 / Kajiwara Kagesue 梶原景季 made by 前刀鍵蔵
- 秀吉と三法師 Hideyoshi and Sanboshi - made by :美濃島 鈴太郎
- 八重垣姫 Yaehime - made by 梶田屋(佐藤家)


鯛抱き恵比寿 Ebisu holding a sea bream
- see also
静御前(義経千本桜) Shizuka Gozen / 豆撒き mame maki / 福助 Fukusuke / 大将  taisho general / 子供三味線 child playing shamisen
- source :

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


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